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Effective Team Development Using Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Cursus

AanbiederLearnit Training
Kosten€ 1.290,00


This three-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to manage source control management, a configurable build process, tools that aid in test driven development, and process workflow all integrated directly into Visual Studio 2008. By the end of the course, developers are equipped to use test-driven techniques and proven software processes to create high-quality software with a minimal change in overall effort.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe integrated Application Life-Cycle Management (ALM) and how Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2008 aids the ALM process.
  • Identify components of VSTS, improve collaboration and increase the overall efficiency of team.
  • Describe project management tools available in VSTS.
  • Describe the Developer and Architect tasks in VSTS 2008.
  • Describe MSBuild architecture and customize Team Build.
  • Access Version control and use branching and merging effectively.
  • Describe tools used for performance and code analysis.
  • Describe tools used for performance and code analysis.


Cursusvorm - Classroom, Instructor-Led.


De training wordt aangeboden op basis van onze Open Leervorm-lesmethodiek. Dat betekent dat u onder actieve begeleiding van onze trainer zelfstandig aan het werk gaat om u de stof eigen te maken. Zo kunt u in eigen tempo uw leerdoelen behalen zonder daarbij gehinderd te worden door het snellere of langzamere tempo van uw medecursisten. Uiteraard ziet onze trainer erop toe dat u op schema blijft en of de leerdoelen ter voorbereiding op het examen behaald. Deze leervorm biedt ruimte aan een stuk maatwerk. U krijgt de gelegenheid om voorbeelden uit uw eigen praktijk en IT-omgeving in te brengen en zodoende nog specifieker te leren. meer...

Bestemd voor

This course is intended for Enterprise IT Staff who actively participate in software development projects. They participate in specification, design, coding, testing or project management.


Tijdens deze cursus komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod:

  • Overview of Application Lifecycle Management
  • Using Visual Studio Team System in a Team
  • Overview of Project Management
  • Designing and Developing a Software Solution in Visual Studio Team System
  • Introduction to Version Control in Parallel Development
  • Introduction to Version Control in Parallel Development
  • Introduction to Advance Analyzing Tasks
  • Overview of Testing in Visual Studio Team System.


€ 1.290,00

Prijzen zijn exclusief 19% btw.


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