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Developing Mobile Applications using the .NET Compact Framework Cursus

AanbiederLearnit Training
Kosten€ 2.000,00


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain .NET Compact Framework and technologies used in mobile enterprise appl. dev.
  • Set up and configure the mobile application development environment.

The goal of this course is to provide developers with the knowledge and skills to develop mobile enterprise solutions by using the Smart Device Extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework. By the end of the course you will be comfortable with the following actions:

  • Building a simple client application for a mobile device.
  • Managing offline data access.
  • Accessing remote data.
  • Synchronizing mobile data.
  • Designing applications appropriately for a mobile environment.
  • Creating secure applications for a mobile environment.
  • Debugging and testing mobile device applications.
  • Building and deploying a sample mobile enterprise application.


Instructor led, using slides and hands-on labs.

Bestemd voor

This course is intended for experienced, professional software developers who work in corporate enterprise development teams and independent software vendors. Most students will be Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft Visual C#, or Java developers. These developers want to build end-to-end solutions in an enterprise environment that includes mobile devices as part of the environment. This course may also benefit Microsoft Windows CE developers who have typically used native code (either C or C++) or eVB 3.0 to build Windows CE applications. (.NET 1.x)


Tijdens de cursus komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod:

  • Module 1 - Introduction to Mobile Device Application Development
  • Module 2 - Working with the User Interface
  • Module 3 - Working with Local Data (DataSets, XML, SQL Server CE)
  • Module 4 - Accessing Remote Data (XML Web Services, Data Provider, Remote Access)
  • Module 5 - Synchronizing Data with SQL Server CE (RDA, Replication, Synchronization)
  • Module 6 - Creating Secure Applications for Mobile Environments (Cryptography & Code)
  • Module 7 - Deploying Mobile Applications (Testing, Debugging & Distributing Applications)
  • Module 8 - Building a Sample Mobile Enterprise Application (Survey Sample Application, Smart Client).


€ 2.000,00

Prijzen zijn exclusief 19% btw.


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